Advisory Panel

Dr. Michael Korzenski

Dr. Korzenski earned a BS in Chemistry from the State University of New York and Fredonia, a Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry and Materials Science from Clemson University, and a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Northwestern University. Dr. Korzenski has authored over 30 peer-reviewed journal articles, 5 book chapters, and is author of 31 U.S. patents with >20 U.S. patents pending in the areas of cradle-to-cradle processes focused on resource recovery from EOL feedstock.

During his various partnerships, Dr. Korzenski has overseen and mentored both start-ups and Fortune 500 companies in the commercialization of five separate novel green processes. Specifically, for the recovery of rare earth metals from waste compressed fluorescent lamps, recovery of precious and base metals from electronic waste, and the production of metallurgical grade silicon and high-value ceramic materials from silicon kerf.

Professor Michael Mooiman

Assistant Professor at Franklin Pierce University, Mike has Master’s degrees in Chemistry and Business and a PhD in Metallurgical Engineering. He has spent most of his career in the extractive metallurgy and precious metal business starting as a gold miner in South Africa. He has served as vice president of production and general manager for Metalor Technologies USA, one of the largest precious metal companies and refiners. He has published over 25 papers is also the holder of two U.S. Patents for precious metal recovery. He is the President of Argo Advisors International, a consultancy and engineering company that specializes in the precious metals and extractive metallurgical industries. Mike has worked and consulted for major metallurgical research organizations and metals operations in the USA, South Africa, Europe, and Canada. He is a member of the Mineral, Metals and Material Society and a Board Member of the New England Chapter of the International Precious Metals Institute.